Research Opportunities
Interested in participating in research over the summer? Check out these programs on- and off-campus! We will be adding more opportunities as we become aware of them.
Getting paid for your research through Federal work study
Available research positions at Stanford
Summer research experiences at Stanford
Biology Summer Undergraduate Research Program (B-SURP) - Paid summer research through the Biology department. Applications due mid-January.
Bio-X Summer Undergraduate Summer Research Program (Bio-X USRP) - Paid summer research through the Bio-X center. Applications due mid-January.
Neuroscience Undergraduate Research Opportunity (NeURO) - Two quarter (winter/spring or spring/summer) fellowship with guided coursework and research opportunities. Applications due late November.
Human Performance Alliance Undergraduate Research Program - Two quarter (spring/summer) program with guided coursework in the spring and paid 10-week summer research experience. Applications due early January.
Major Grant - Stipend for a 10-week summer research project. Applications due in early March.
Research Experiences Especially for Freshmen and Sophomores (REEFS) - Paid summer research at Stanford's Hopkins Marine Station in Monterey. The 2022 program is open to current frosh only. Application is due March 1.
Carnegie Summer Intern Program - Paid full-time and part-time research positions in plant biology during the summer. This program is run by the Stanford-affiliated Department of Plant Biology of the Carnegie Institution. Application is due March 18.
Summer research experiences outside of Stanford
Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) - Paid summer research opportunities in many different STEM disciplines across the United States funding by the National Science Foundation. See the information for your site of interest for application information!
Choose Development! - Two year program with 10-week paid summer undergraduate research trainings for students from underrepresented minority (URM) groups, first-generation college students or those with disabilities interested in pursuing research careers in developmental biology and related areas. Application due in early Feb.
Undergraduate science conferences
Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students (ABRCMS) - November 2021, virtual format!
SACNAS' National Diversity in STEM Conference - October 2021, virtual format!
Postbaccalaureate Opporunities
Discovery Postbaccaleaureate Research Education Program (PREP) - One-year paid research and graduate school preparation program at Ohio State University after completion of your undergrad. Applications are rolling.
Biotech Jobs
BioPharmGuy - Curated list of available biotech jobs!